EFDF is proud to announce the endorsement of the European Beach Ultimate Championships 2022 as an official event under the umbrella of EFDF.
The EBUCC2022 will take place in Portimão, Portugal, from October 14 -16. 2022, and is organized by the premier Beach Ultimate organizer, Beach Ultimate Lovers Association (BULA).
The EFDF’s sanctioning of the event ensures that this year’s EBUCC, like previous editions, forms part of the global disc sports regime and competitive structure administered by the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) and its regional affiliates, such as EFDF. BULA is a long-time organizer of Beach Ultimate events, acting as WFDF’s principal partner for the sport for more than a decade.
With the restructuring and reorganisation of EFDF, completed in January 2022, responsibility for European regional events shifted from WFDF to EFDF. The EFDF sanctioning of EBUCC 2022 thus ensures continuity in European Beach Ultimate for both players and national governing bodies. The sanctioning of the current event is the first step in developing a longer-term partnership between the two governing bodies, EFDF and BULA.
Haude Hermand, President of the EFDF states: “We are tremendously excited to endorse EBUCC 2022 and bring it within the family of EFDF events. The BULA team brings solid experience and a reputation for high-quality events, aligning with our focus on delivering top-quality playing opportunities for disc sport participants across the continent.”
According to Sofia Pereira, Managing Director of BULA Ltd: “We are very happy that EBUCC 2022 will form part of WFDF and EFDF’s larger competitive structure, and for their collaboration focused on continuously improving BULA’s quality events. As opportunities for Beach Ultimate continue to grow in prominence, we look forward to continuing our historically tight collaboration with disc sports’ governing bodies, currently through the EFDF at the regional level.”