The purpose of the European Flying Disc Federation (EFDF) is:
- to foster sports;
- to foster in Europe all flying disc sports recognized by WFDF;
- to provide a forum for all European flying disc sports federations and to ensure amicable mutual support, of technical and other kinds, between European Federations, WFDF and other international organizations, to tighten the ties of friendship which unite disc sport players of all European countries;
- to represent, promote and support all flying disc sports and the respective European sector-specific associations before the European public-sector institutions, sports institutions and organisational committees of multisport games – in particular but not limited to the European Olympic Committees (EOC), the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the European Masters Games Movement, the European Sport for All Movement and the institutions of the European Union (EU)/Council of Europe;
- to advance and promote flying disc sports in Europe and assist the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) to achieve the same goal;
- to support and take part of the activities of the WFDF in compliance with the Statutes of the EFDF;
- to foster / support new federations and members, promote the “Spirit of the Game” and improve competition conditions at a European level;
- to promote and develop the struggle against doping and support anti-corruption activities in disc sports in Europe.
The purpose will in particular be achieved by:
- recognising that the sector-specific federations are responsible for sanctioning and/or organising the sector-specific flying disc competitions at a European level for their respective sports;
- fostering the creation of European sector-specific federations for flying disc sports that do not have such organisations in place;
- sanctioning and/or organising flying disc competitions at a European level for disc-sports/disciplines for which there is no European sector-specific governing federation accepted as extraordinary member;
- recognising that until a European sector-specific federation for beach ultimate exists and is accepted as Extraordinary member of the EFDF, the WFDF is responsible for sanctioning and/or organising the beach ultimate competitions at European level;
- adopting policies to develop flying disc sports in Europe;
- adopting the policies of WFDF except where EFDF and WFDF agree that it is appropriate or necessary to develop an EFDF-specific policy;
- sanctioning and/or delegating flying disc competitions at multisport or multi disc-sport events;
- promoting and advertising flying disc sports in Europe;
- providing communication tools to the European flying disc federations such as newsletter, webpage, etc.
EFDF Statutes
The updated EFDF statutes came into effect in 2021 and can be found here.