How to Play Double Disc Court
The intention of the game

Double Disc Court is played by two teams of two players each and two discs. The 110 gram Wham-O pro model disc is the official disc for DDC, but similar discs can also be used. The drawing above shows the field of play. There are two courts; each defended by one of the teams. Two discs are simultaneously thrown back and forth by the teams. There are several ways to score a point or points:
- when the disc touches the ground within the court of the other team and stays there
- when the other team touches both discs at the same time (two points scored)
- when a disc touches the ground outside the court the other team scores a point.
The most important rules
- The throw-off (the service)
- The course of the game
- Throwing and catching
- Scoring
Game strategy
The basic strategy of the game is to threaten to double your opponents, by having them catch both discs at the same time. This is typically achieved by throwing the first disc with a high curve and somewhat later throwing the second disc hard and straight. They can escape this situation only with great difficulty.
The first task of successful play is to be able to keep the disc in-bounds. Use high, skip curve flights and aim for the middle of the court. This will prevent the disc from rolling out-of-bounds. Also arrange for one team member to cover the front of the court and the other, the back portion. The back player is also responsible for deciding how the team will try to escape doubling attacks. Good communication between the team members is essential.
No referee
Like all flying disc sports Double Disc Court is played without a referee. The players themselves are responsible for the course of the game. This sheet provides the most important rules only. This is enough to get started. Of course, when you want to participate in official competitions, you must be familiar with all rules. Your national association can provide you with these. Or you can download them from the website. Also, the more experienced players at a tournament are often willing to give an explanation when needed.